✓ Respond Reviews using Artificial Intelligence

Respond to Google reviews using AI

Respond to Google reviews using Artificial Intelligence and create perfect responses in seconds.

Through the Generate Response feature, the customer review is analyzed and a personalized response is created in seconds, taking into account the customer’s name, the content of the review, and the rating

Reviews are among the most important factors that

influence the ranking of a local business in Google search results.

✓ Reviews Manager

GBP Check Reviews Manager

Simplify your customer review management with GBP Check’s Review Manager:

Through practical and centralized management, the tool creates room for the creation of new products specialized in review management for your clients on Google.

✓ Sort reviews before respond them

Strategically Ordered Reviews

Sort reviews by Most Recent, Oldest, Highest Rating, and Lowest Rating. Reviews with the Highest and Lowest ratings are grouped by their amount of text, from highest to lowest, which makes reading easier and maximizes the flow when responding to reviews.

Gerenciador de Avaliações - Responda Avaliações do Google usando AI - Reviews Manager

Maintain Loyal Clients

Keep your clients loyal with GBP Check

Manage your reviews and keep loyal and satisfied customers with the Reviews Manager