✓ Google Business Profile Performance
Insights with Visual Comparison for the Company Profile on Google
The Insights module is one of the most powerful tools in the market for tracking the performance of Google Local Businesses. Have full control to view and compare metrics, as well as export the results to PDF and CSV

✓ Access Historical Data from the Last 18 months
Access to 18 months of Metric History
When viewing the profiles for which you already have Administrator or Owner access on the Google Business Profile, you already have access to 18 months of metric history, allowing you to compare, for example, the same period from the previous year
✓ Versatile Period Selector
Period Selector with Pre-configured Filters
Through the Pre-configured Filters, selecting specific periods becomes an easy task using the Insights module.
✓ Aggregated Results for Easy Visualization
Results Aggregator
Aggregate results on a Daily, Monthly, or Weekly basis, which facilitates the interpretation of the results presented over the period.
✓ Interactive Graphs
Interactive Graphs
The Insights module features interactive graphs that allow for easy navigation and the option to save as an image.
✓ Download in PDF, CSV, and with Comments
Download in PDF, CSV, and with the option to include Comments
In addition to downloading Insights in PDF format, you can also download the data in CSV for more technical analysis. Additionally, you can include your insights analysis conclusions in comments and download the result in PDF to send it to your clients.
Your comments are saved for periodic use
Explore the Insights Graphs:
✓ Views
Business Views
The platform and devices people used to find your profile
✓ Evolution
Views Evolution
The Google services customers used to find your company
✓ Interactions
Interactions with the Profile
Interactions include calls, messages, requests for directions, and website visits made from the Business Profile
✓ Calls made from your Business Profile
Phone calls made to your Business Profile
✓ Route Requests
Route Requests
Route requests to your Business Profile
✓ Website Visits
Website Clicks
Website clicks made from your Business Profile
✓ Interações por Dia
Interactions by Day of the Week
User actions taken, divided by days of the week, such as Phone Calls to the Profile, Route Requests, Website Visits
Period Comparison
✓ Overview of the Comparison
Control Panel
Compare period intervals of the last 18 months through the comprehensive comparison control panel of GBP Check Insights

✓ Views Comparison
Business Views Comparison
Comparison of the platform and devices people used to find the profile
✓ Interactions Comparison
Profile Interactions Comparison
Compare interactions such as calls, messages, route requests, and website visits made to the Business Profile.
✓ Calls Comparison
Calls Comparison
Comparison of calls made to your Business Profile
✓ Route Comparison
Route Request Comparison
Compare the route requests made to your Business Profile
✓ Website Views Comparison
Website Visits Comparison
Compare the clicks performed by users to access your Business Profile’s website.
✓ The Insights that Make a Difference
Succes Starts with Insights
Who said insights can’t be fun? Join us and explore a whole new side of your business