✓ Customer Reviews made easy

Review Cards for Google My Business and Business Profile

Generate cards in seconds for local businesses and streamline the process of inviting customers to review your business.

Review cards direct customers straight to the business review screen.

Cards de Avaliação

Reviews play a significant role in outcomes for local businesses.

✓ Card Generator

Review Cards Generator

Generate cards visually and intuitively:

Customize the logo, background image, background color, opacity, and review button color according to the client’s visual identity.

✓ Download the Cards

Download the cards and share them with clients


Click on “Actions” and download the cards in Digital format to be sent via WhatsApp, Messenger, email, and other means.

You can also download the card in QR code format, which can be printed and displayed at the client’s location to be scanned.

Cards de Avaliação - GBP Check

✓ Maximize Results with GBP Check

Save time and maximize your results with GBP Check:

Review Cards are designed to expedite the review acquisition process for local businesses, enhancing the business’s visibility in search results.