✓ Category Analysis

Category Analysis for Google My Business and Business Profile

Categories are the item that has the greatest influence on the ranking of a local business on Google, according to LSRF.

Perform a Category Analysis, both by location and by keyword in profiles to which you do not yet have access as an Administrator or Owner, and ensure that the business is using the best available category for that industry.

✓ Category Analysis by Location

Location-Based Analysis

Perform a category analysis by location and compare the primary and additional categories with the categories used by competitors.

Discover which categories competitors are using that the analyzed profile has not yet adopted.

✓ Keyword-Based Category Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Not sure which category to choose for a local business?

Conduct a keyword-based category analysis and discover all the primary and additional categories being used by companies for that search term, and determine the best category for the profile of that business on Google.

✓ Most used Primary Category

Primary Category

View comparative charts with the selected primary category for the local businesses presented in the results.

✓ Most Used Additional Categories

Additional Category

Discover the most commonly used additional categories by local businesses in the same industry and define the appropriate additional categories for the businesses you manage..

✓ Additional Categories for the Primary Category

Additional Categories of the Primary Category

For each primary category used, discover the most commonly used additional categories in the analysis results.

✓ List of Analyzed Locations

List of Analyzed Locations

A list sorted by locations with the highest number of additional categories, including businesses that do not have additional categories, which can be a great opportunity to identify locations that are not yet managed through Google My Business.

Category Analysis

✓ Improve Results with Categories

Boost Results with Category Analysis

Changing categories can yield surprising results for local businesses.

Through category analysis, it’s possible to gain more confidence when deciding to change the category structure of a local business.